Profitec Pro T64 - Stepless, Commercial Grade, Electronic dosing grinder for Espresso The Profitec ProT64 Coffee Grinder is Profitec Germany lead On-Demand programmable Espresso Grinder. It comes with commercial features such as Stepless electronic dosing via digital display with 2 programmable grinding buttons and professionally finished in industrial Stainless Steel design. You get heavy duty commercial power and capabilities in a compact, user friendly design to fit under most household kitchen cabinets. The Pro T-64 grinder comes with solid built dark UV resistant bean hopper to maintain maximum freshness to your coffee beans.
Included are the following Items: T64 Espresso Grinder UV resistant dark bean hopper and lid funnel chute lid Base coffee grounds tray Safety screw attachment for bean hopper Free One Year Red Carpet Warranty Service Free Fast Shipping
Specs and usage: Profitec Pro T64 is built on a solid Stainless Steel construction. Commercial Grade 64mm Stainless steel burrs Pro-T64 Grind Speed: Super Fast at average of single shot at 3.8 sec and double shot at 5.2 sec. On Demand grinding function and a programmable grind timer in as low as 0.1 second increments. Digital Display indicating the programmed grind time Two programmable buttons and manual portioning option. The Profitec Pro-T64 include a Direct Drive 450 watt super quiet motor with advanced technology to control low RPM speed for maximum prevention of grounds heating, perfect for espresso fine grinding. Height-adjustable portafilter fork match most standard size and 58mm portafilter handles. Profitec ProT64 is a Stepless grind adjustment grinder for superior precision grinding level. An adjustment wheel and handle are used for easy and accurate grind adjustment. Note: It is recommended to adjust grind level only when the grinder is running. The T64 comes standard with 500 grams capacity bean hopper in clear plastic with cool design so it can easily fit under most standard height kitchen cabinets. Static free Stainless Steel chute with great precision and easy to clean tray keeps coffee grounds away from your countertop... Its recommended to use Urnex Grindz monthly for cleaning the burrs. It is strongly Not recommended to take apart or disassemble any part of the grinder for cleaning as this may cause damage and void the warranty of your grinder Warranty: 1 Year Limited Mfr. Warranty. 115V / 450 Watts, 15 Amp Weight 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs) Dimensions: Width x Depth x Height: 17.0 x 25.0 x 43.0 cm (6.7 x 9.8 x 16.9 in). Other Information:
Profitec Pro-T64 User Manual Profitec Pro T64 Brochure Profitec - Red Carpet Service and Support.
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